Friday, June 3, 2011


If your not one of those who keep bacon goodness in the house, you can omit.Also green peppers are great tucked in with the onions. My husband hates them, but if it were my choice, I would add them. I also asked ever so nicely at the deli  (in the grocery store which I shop), if they could slice my potatoes for me, and they did ! Think smart not hard as they always say. The pictures posted are the recipe cut in half, as I only need to cook for 2 most days. Adjust your baking dish according to how many potatoes you will be using.This recipe
Serves 8
1 slice of bacon cut into pieces[ I use a scissors]
3 tablespoons butter, melted
3 tablespoons extra-virgin olive oil
4 pounds russet potatoes, peeled
4 onions, thickly sliced lengthwise
1 green pepper finely diced
Coarse salt

1-2 sprigs rosemary
1. Preheat oven to 375 degrees. In a small bowl, combine butter and  olive oil. Brush bottom of a round 9-inch baking dish with some oil mixture. With a sharp knife , slice potatoes very thinly crosswise.

2. Arrange potato slices vertically in dish. Wedge onions  and green peppers ,and bacon throughout. Sprinkle with salt and pepper ; brush with remaining oil  mixture. Bake 1 1/4 hours. Add rosemary and bake until potatoes are cooked through with a crisp top, about 35 minutes more.
                   We had sour cream and chives to dip these in. 

                              They were DELICIOUS!!